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Testudo sculpture in front of McKeldin Library

UMD Drupal Theme

This template is available for campus websites and can be requested through the Division of IT. Use this site as a guide on all the features available in the template.

Get Started with the UMD Drupal Templates

Layouts and Resources

Getting Started

Use the following information to assist in the set-up and configuration your UMD Terp themed site.

Get Started with the UMD Drupal Templates

Template Guidelines

The UMD Terp Theme (sometimes called Drupal 8 Templates, UMD Templates or just the “Templates”) is the Drupal theme for all UMD drupal 8 based websites. 

Review the Template Guidelines

Kitchen Sink

Examples and best practices for all the widgets and features made available by the UMD Drupal Templates.

View the Kitchen Sink

Find Inspiration

A collection of sites created using the UMD Drupal Templates.

Browse Sites using the Templates

Homepage Layouts

The UMD Terp Homepage is meant for a site's home or landing page, but the layout can be placed anywhere on the site. As such, the Homepage layout is also useful for self contained projects that exist under a School's, Department's, or Unit's site.

View Alternate Homepage Layouts


Your organization might differentiate between "blog posts", "statements", "press releases", or many other types of editorial content. The UMD Terp Theme simplifies all this by calling them all "articles" using the UMD Terp Article layout.

View a Feed of Site Specific Articles


The UMD Terp Person provides space to share or promote important information for individuals in your school, department or unit.

View Directory and People pages

Basic Pages

The UMD Terp Basic Page is great for sharing more in-depth information about an organization (About page, Resources pages, Photo Gallery pages, etc). View examples of the Basic Page being used for the site's News feed, Directory, and an Internal page of resources.

View Some Basic Pages

Short Eye-catching Alert Title

Two students sit on the edge of a water feature outdoors on the Mall on an unseasonably warm February day.

Card title, keep it catchy, keep it short

Text areas support a number of formats by default with "Basic HTML" text formatting including Normal text, Headings 2 through 6, LinksBoldItalics, Numbered lists, Bulleted lists, Blockquotes, and Images.

Card groups help break up related content into manageable chunks for easier understanding, or as a teaser for longer articles/pages.

Keep any link titles short
Two female students lie on a blanket outdoors on the Mall on an unseasonably warm February day.

Cards do not need to include links

Cards without a link do not behave interactively (no hover effects). As mentioned in the previously, Card Groups provide another way to present information with or without an accompanying image for each card.

Like with the card's title, keep the content in text areas short; no more than a couple of short paragraphs. If this card links to a page or article, think of this space as the summary to that page or that article.

Notice this link is within the body text of the card, and does not cause the whole card to become interactive (no hover effect).

Cards can be presented with and without images

Without an image, cards still fill the full height of the space they occupy. If the card has a link, it will still behave interactively with a hover effect.

Filler text: Suspendisse faucibus interdum posuere lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Tincidunt augue interdum velit euismod. Non tellus orci ac auctor augue. Feugiat nisl pretium fusce id. Nulla facilisi cras fermentum odio eu feugiat pretium.

Short link text

Feature Widgets

Feature Widgets are exclusive to the UMD Terp Homepage layout.

Learn more about alternative homepage layouts.

Learn more about the Feature Widget.

Looking into filled classroom from hallway, students focused on presenter at a dry erase board

A Feature widget showcases an image, and a panel of text

Text options include a Title, Body of Text, and a link that appears as a button. The background behind the text can be set to 1 of 7 colors.

Keep link titles short
A view of the Sundial on the Mall with student activity on an unseasonably warm winter day.


Each Feature is a separate widget on the admin panel. Text can be set on the right or left (reverse) like this one.

Two female students sitting along ODK Fountain with McKeldin Library in the background.

Feature widgets are unique to the UMD Terp Homepage

Images are added from the media gallery. Recommendations for using the best image possible can be found in the template guidelines.

Template Image Guidelines
Wide-angle view of McKeldin Library with lens flare.

A different Style Feature

Setting the style to "background" causes the image to stretch across the full width of the page, so make sure it is wide enough.

Two female students sitting along ODK Fountain with McKeldin Library in the background.
Two female students sitting along ODK Fountain with McKeldin Library in the background.

Image with Text Widget

This widget is called "Image with Text", and each one supports an image along with a text area. Images can be aligned left or right, and are pulled from the site's media library (accessible on the admin panel), so you can include images that have been previously uploaded, as well as newly uploaded images. Descriptive "alt-text" is required on each image during the upload process. 

Text areas support a number of formats by default with "Basic HTML" text formatting including Normal text, Headings 2 through 6, LinksBoldItalics, Numbered lists, Bulleted lists, Blockquotes, and Images.

Filler text: Bibendum enim facilisis gravida neque convallis. Erat imperdiet sed euismod nisi porta lorem. Elit sed vulputate mi sit amet mauris. Ut aliquam purus sit amet luctus venenatis lectus magna. Blandit turpis cursus in hac habitasse. Sollicitudin tempor id eu nisl nunc mi ipsum. Facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id. Bibendum at varius vel pharetra vel turpis nunc. Semper risus in hendrerit gravida rutrum quisque. Etiam dignissim diam quis enim. Blandit turpis cursus in hac habitasse platea dictumst quisque. Vel pharetra vel turpis nunc eget. Cursus metus aliquam eleifend mi in. Eleifend mi in nulla posuere sollicitudin aliquam ultrices sagittis orci. Duis at tellus at urna. Aliquam vestibulum morbi blandit cursus risus at.

Share quick, key numbers about the school, department, or office
Undergraduate Majors at the university of Maryland
Student to Teacher Ratio

This is a Blockquote, meant for featuring quotes, comments, or messages from experts and other persons of note. Statements like "Fear the Turtle" are great for the Blockquote widget.

News Feed Widget pulling in Articles from Maryland Today

Beyond the Field Homecoming Address: Prioritize Mental Health by Nurturing Connections

Scholar on Family Therapy Promotes Community as Antidote to Isolation
View Article Beyond the Field Homecoming Address: Prioritize Mental Health by Nurturing Connections
Miheer Khona stands in front of the IDEA Factory cafe

Meals to ‘Krave’

From Curry Tots to a Chili Crunch Burger, New Incubator at IDEA Factory Offers Testbed for Fledgling Restaurants
View Article Meals to ‘Krave’
Illustration of people sitting and talking

5 Tips for Talking Across Differences and Disagreements

In Polarized Times, Intergroup Dialogue Training Center Co-directors Offer Guidance for Productive Conversations
View Article 5 Tips for Talking Across Differences and Disagreements

View Widget displaying the latest (local) Articles

  • Article titles should follow the University's editorial convention

    The body text of an Article Page supports all the same formatting options available in a Text widgdets on other pages including Normal text, Headings 2 through 6, Links, Bold, Italics, Numbered lists, Bulleted lists, Blockquotes, and Images.

  • Hitting ‘Play’ at Home

    Spoofing our reliance on shopping and technology while omitting any human presence, the enigmatic and boldly animated videos by Jonathan Monaghan MFA ’11 star in a new—and timely—online exhibit at the Art Gallery.

  • Queen of Costumes

    For a costume designer who’s spent her career reflecting the African American experience in film and television, it was an intriguing prospect: envision the look of a futuristic African kingdom that’s rich in vibranium, not to mention helmed by a superhero. The charge to help give the fictional Wakanda a ring of authenticity and make it reflect the depth of African tribal customs and cultures sent Ruth E. Carter on a research odyssey that took her from Los Angeles to Atlanta to the Lesotho nation, working with a team of shoppers, designers, mold and jewelry makers and more. 

  • Off the Wall

    hough born a century apart, singer Marian Anderson and 18th-century feminist Frances Wright are strolling through the halls of the National Portrait Gallery when suddenly they come across a series of photographs of Anderson. “Marian, this is all you!” cries Wright in her English lilt. Soon, the pair are discussing Anderson’s European travels and Wright’s birthplace across the pond.

  • Maryland Today: A Mission to Heal

    After serving as an Army psychological operations team leader in Iraq, Ben King quickly learned that what had helped him survive in a war zone wasn’t conducive to thriving in civilian life. “When you’re in a combat environment, mentally it’s just putting the mission first—when it comes to what’s going on for you, it’s very simple: You just disregard it,” King said. Detaching from his internal struggles soon led to drinking to help fall asleep, ignoring physical pain and powering through any emotional turmoil.

Events feed from

Sorry, no upcoming UMD events available.

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