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Hitting ‘Play’ at Home
Spoofing our reliance on shopping and technology while omitting any human presence, the enigmatic and boldly animated videos by Jonathan Monaghan MFA ’11 star in a new—and timely—online exhibit at the Art Gallery.
Queen of Costumes
For a costume designer who’s spent her career reflecting the African American experience in film and television, it was an intriguing prospect: envision the look of a futuristic African kingdom that’s rich in vibranium, not to mention helmed by a superhero. The charge to help give the fictional Wakanda a ring of authenticity and make it reflect the depth of African tribal customs and cultures sent Ruth E. Carter on a research odyssey that took her from Los Angeles to Atlanta to the Lesotho nation, working with a team of shoppers, designers, mold and jewelry makers and more.
Off the Wall
hough born a century apart, singer Marian Anderson and 18th-century feminist Frances Wright are strolling through the halls of the National Portrait Gallery when suddenly they come across a series of photographs of Anderson. “Marian, this is all you!” cries Wright in her English lilt. Soon, the pair are discussing Anderson’s European travels and Wright’s birthplace across the pond.
Maryland Today: A Mission to Heal
After serving as an Army psychological operations team leader in Iraq, Ben King quickly learned that what had helped him survive in a war zone wasn’t conducive to thriving in civilian life. “When you’re in a combat environment, mentally it’s just putting the mission first—when it comes to what’s going on for you, it’s very simple: You just disregard it,” King said. Detaching from his internal struggles soon led to drinking to help fall asleep, ignoring physical pain and powering through any emotional turmoil.